With regret we have found that a few facts and details which we published in our 2015 Centenary book, From Brooklands to Brize, have later been found to be inaccurate. These have now been corrected and a list can be found by clicking on the text below.
From Brooklands to Brize - Errata list: to date
By opening the pdf below a numerical list of all OC10s may be found in order and also in reverse order:
The 1917 Arras Offensive may be remembered by those who see the 10 Squadron Standard and note the simple word 'ARRAS' embroidered there: it being one of only eight Battle Honours a squadron is allowed to emblazon on its Standard.
The 100th anniversary of the Arras Offensive occurs during April & May 2017.
For those may wish to read of the background to the 10 Squadron Honour, whilst it was a unit of the Royal Flying Corps,
Click the RFC Badge below to open the pdf article:
AND for those who are interested in the Regulations governing Squadron Standards and their Battle Honours see the article entitled:
Squadron Standards & Battle Honours