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Membership of the 10 Squadron Association is open to those who are serving or have served on the Squadron in the past, as well as their relatives. Whilst the majority of the sections on the website require a Username and Password to view and hence may only be visited by paid-up Members, a limited number are nevertheless available to all. We hope that you enjoy your visit here.
Association joining details may be found in the Top Menu.
• To preserve the spirit of comradeship formed during service with 10 Squadron
• To sustain a close relationship between the Squadron and the Association
• To provide a focus for contact with other former Squadron colleagues or their relatives, by promoting attendance at Annual Reunions and Remembrance Day Services at the 10 Squadron Memorial
• To encourage the collection and preservation of documents, photographs, anecdotes and memorabilia with which the Squadron’s history may be enhanced
• To encourage Squadron and Association members to contribute to the Association website
• To encourage members of the Squadron to join the Association
See the ‘Crewroom’ for additional articles and images.
Need to get in touch with us?
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We will endeavour to reply within 7 days to genuine requests or comments. However due to the increasing numbers of non-Association viewers seeking Family History Research Advice, we regret that the rules in the "Research Help" section will be strictly applied. We have no research facilities ourselves.
Logging-In to the website:
Some members occasionally advise us that they cannot login. This invariably means that they have lost or forgotten their usernames or passwords and may also point to the fact that they may have changed their email address without notifying us. To be able to log in you must be "registered ". New members are automatically sent a Registration email once their Application Forms and cheques have been received on joining the Association.
Please be aware that we do not carry out any 'Where are they now?' research or tracing of old friends. However if you wish to make use of our limited 'Research Help' facility, send your enquiry to the above address. You must be prepared to have your email address posted in the open part of the website. Any such post will be kept on the page for about a year, due to the changing nature of email addresses.
Please limit any such enquiries, which must contain a reference to RAF 10 Squadron, to a maximum of 100 words. The Association will not enter into any correspondence as a result of such enquiries.
This website is in the process of being handed over to be managed by Association member Jelle Hieminga. Until such time as the handover from retiring Web Warden Dick King has been completed, it would be appreciated if no emails are sent to the Association address asking for anything to be published here. This is obviously only a temporary measure and any inconvenience is regretted.
28 Jan 25
In addition to the above, a brief message from me (Jelle): While we go through the handover process I will also be performing some maintenance on the website’s internals. This may cause the website to be offline for brief periods from time to time. I will do my best to minimise this but if you do encounter something strange, please try again after a few hours or the next day. If the problem persists, please let me know on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Thank you for your patience while we go through this and know that I am honoured to be allowed to look after this website.
7 Feb 25
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' Tomorrow will be a good day. ' - Capt Sir Tom Moore (1920-2021)
Jokes Various
To enable our viewers to see what the Latest Additions are to the website, without having to scroll through all the various menus, a list of the latest additions will be posted here for a few months. Be advised that content addition to our Archives section is a continuous process and latest additions are not listed here but are coloured blue in the archives themselves.
Articles that are added to the Crewroom may not be posted here since that menu is one of continual addition.
All aircrew are required to complete a personal log book which lists details of their flights.
These are the RAF Form 414 – Pilots Flying Log Book, and the RAF Form 1767 – Aircrew Flying Log Book for other aircrew categories.
It is unusual, particularly after WW2 on a large-crewed aircraft, to find the whole crew listed for a particular flight. Usually it is only the captain's name recorded in the "crew" column on the page.
Regrettably there is limited space available in the 'Spare' column on a log book’s page, and hence, often due to the modesty of the individual, it is rare to find specific reference to incidents that occurred during a particular flight.
For example, we learn from an RFC communiqué, that on 26 October 1915, in combat, an injured 10 Squadron Observer somehow managed to move from the front cockpit of his spinning BE2c into the back in order to take control from his incapacitated pilot. He landed the aircraft and they both survived! It would be interesting to find their log book entries for that particular flight!
This section portrays some of the 10 Sqn History annals which may not have been recorded in Squadron members’ personal log books. It also contains articles that just don't seem to fit in anywhere else.