Some of our members may wish to refer to Dick King's March 2025 Newsletter after clearing out some of their emails so a copy of it is repeated here:
Click on the: Chairman's Newsletter March 2025 to open a pdf file containing all the script.

Jim Beard was one of those who attended the 10 Squadron Memorial’s November 2024 Remembrance Sunday Service at Melbourne.
In doing so, he heeded a request from the Acting Chairman who encouraged more Association members to come forward and take on Committee roles or otherwise encourage the recruitment of a younger breed of ex-Sqn members and/or their relatives in order that the Association may continue to flourish. Read what Jim wrote afterwards………
Jim Beard
Two 10 Squadron Crews Remembered - V-Victor 1945
A service was held at the Yorkshire Air Museum and Allied Forces Memorial on 2nd March to remember all affected by Operation Gisela - the last Luftwaffe desperate attack against Bomber Command. A congregation of over 70 paid tribute - especially to two 10 Squadron crews that flew Halifax Mk III, V-Victor - and the connection between one of the casualties, Jack Laffoley and 10 Squadron Association founder, Robert 'Mac' McClements.
A stained-glass window, commissioned by Mac's son, Robert, was unveiled by Jack's nephew, Ross Oliver, who flew over from Canada and had addressed the last 10 Squadron Association Remembrance Sunday gathering.
Attendees included Jackie Hopkins who had flown over from the USA to represent her father, Albert Hodkinson DFM, (Association member who just celebrated his 103rd birthday) Bombardier in the Grant crew with Mac. Jenny Kay represented her father, Bill Kay, survivor of the Laffoley crash.
A family wreath-laying ceremony took place at 11.00am Tuesday 4th March at Stonefall Cemetery, Harrogate to mark the exact 80th Anniversary.
After seeing the BBC news coverage local farmer, Richard Tesseyman invited us to visit the actual crash site. The attached photo shows Ross Oliver standing on the spot, apparently being watched over - I leave the conclusion to your imagination
Please take time to watch the documentary and circulate the link with friends and on social media - we want the story to be known. For the full story please view the following links:
YouTube – Operation Gisela, Echoes of a Sacrifice. Documentary, 24 minutes.
Calendar News 1987
A well-attended Service of Remembrance was held at the 10 Squadron Memorial Melbourne, Yorks on 10 November 2024.
Click on the two pdf files below to read the report and see photos of the event.
Report - Remembrance Sunday 2024
Images - Remembrance Sunday 2024